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Page Published On: June 7, 2022

Instructions for Admin & Instructors

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  • Windsor University is always committed to offering high-quality education with high standards following HELC rules and regulations. Consequently, and to make it easier for the University’s faculty, Windsor University provides specified instructions for every instructor willing to be part of the University’s faculty team to know and absorb.
  • At Windsor University, the semester duration is 3.5 months (14 weeks). Each course duration is 14 weeks (14 lectures). The first one is usually an orientation about the University, an introduction to the instructor, and the course. Each course is 3 contact hours per week, including a half-an-hour break or 2 contact hours without a break.
  • Before the beginning of each academic semester, the University provides the materials for the instructors with all the instructor’s resources from McGraw-Hill or Pearson.
  • Every course instructor shall receive their accounts and credentials for the University’s used platforms on Microsoft Office 365 (including Microsoft Teams used for the course’s live sessions), Moodle (for uploading course materials such as PowerPoint presentations, assignments, quizzes, and the final exam).

Provided below are the instructions for each course instructor & Admins that MUST be followed throughout the whole semester:

  • You must create meetings on Microsoft Teams according to the live sessions’ coordinated time, leaving a prior notice or reminder to the students with the meeting’s link (through the students’ official e-mails and the University’s WhatsApp group) or coordinating with the student affairs department to contact the students. The session should be interactive, and the camera should be on, with a clear voice, stable internet connection, and appropriate background and attire.
  • Every live session must be recorded by either the instructor or the University’s student affairs department. Recorded sessions are uploaded on the University’s YouTube channel; it’s the instructor’s responsibility to provide every of their session’s recording link on YouTube to Moodle weekly so that the students can follow any session they may miss.
  • The instructor must upload every lecture material for every week on Moodle, including the PowerPoint presentations, assignments, and quizzes.
  • Every course’s total grade must be out of 300 divided as follows: 100 for the assignments throughout the whole course, 100 for the quizzes throughout the whole course, and 100 for the proctored final exam. However, the instructor has the right to form the type of assignments that they find beneficial for the students. All must be created on Moodle and followed up with the students. You can follow the know-to-how videos created by Windsor University technical team to become more familiar with Moodle.
  • The minimum percentage for the student to pass the course is 70%. Attendance should be monitored and recorded by the instructor and the student affairs department. The minimum required attendance percentage for the student should be 50% of the total course sessions. The instructor should notify the student affairs department of the students whose attendance rate is about to be below the mentioned percentage.

  • The right way to open the University’s Outlook account on the computer/laptop/mobile is to enter the following University Link ⇓ & fill in your email and password given to you by the University’s student affairs department.

For any inquiries, feel free to contact us on