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Becoming a Volunteer At Windsor University

Most of our current employees have started as Volunteers at Windsor University from 3 to 6 months.

Upon joining us as a volunteer, you will get:

  • Microsoft Office 365 account, including many Microsoft Apps.
  • Courses in all academic disciplines from world-leading organizations.
  • Volunteer Certification from Windsor University.
  • Self-Development in many fields as here at Windsor University, we learn from each other.
  • A Priority to join us as an employee.
  • A chatting group on Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp to share and express ideas together.

Windsor University volunteers are requested to help us in digital marketing, web development, content review, evaluation for website and integrated systems, attracting international students around the world, and making agreements with institutions and academic entities interested in education around the world.

You can join us as an Instructor, web developer, program sales manager, Digital Marketer, Academic Support, Student Affairs Officer.