Frauds & Deceptions Policy


he unintentional or intentional representation of the words or ideas as one's work in any academic exercise. This includes failing to accurately identify direct quotations with both a proper citation and with quotation marks, submitting a paper that was the result of someone else's efforts but is represented as one's own work, paraphrasing bodies of work without proper citation, and copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up significant majority portion of one's own work even while attempting to paraphrase and change the text.
Plagiarism also includes providing incorrect information about the source of a quotation and submitting academic work multiple times without informing the Course Instructor and receiving approval.
When Course Instructors or University personnel suspect plagiarism, both special programs, and the Internet will be used to identify intellectual property sources suspected of being used or cited inappropriately.


alsifying documents, changing or inventing data, citing sources not consulted, and misrepresenting citations.

Unauthorized Assistance

his is identified as completing an academic exercise or exam by someone other than the student, using or receiving copies of the work of someone who had previously taken the course, or collaborating without acknowledging the collaboration. Students must realize any collaboration and its extent in all submitted coursework.


his is defined as lying or misrepresenting a student's situation to a University member in an attempt to receive exceptional circumstances, permissions, quiz, and/or exam or extensions.