Student Retention

Notice Program

indsor University will continuously and closely monitor students' attendance throughout each course and the academic program as a whole. The University will also remind the absentees about the minimum attendance requirements they should meet to pass. If students were at risk of failing the course or the academic program, or both, an e-mail would be sent to them one day before each webinar as a further reminder. Moreover, the corresponding instructor will be asked to follow up with their students should they be at risk of being omitted from the course. Lastly, suppose the student's attendance is lacking throughout the academic program or a course. In that case, Students will be transferred to their corresponding qualified personal or technical assistants, whichever they may need. Currently, Student records are automatically handled using OpenSIS. This Student Information System is integrated into the Learning Management System (LMS).

Motivational Examples

nstructors will present students with videos recording from alumni. Alumni may give comments about certain aspects of the program. Also, they may state their opinion about a specific instructor. Lastly, they may describe how the program improves their careers and how they profit from their knowledge. If students were at risk of failing the course or the academic program, or both, an e-mail would be sent to them one day before each webinar as a further reminder. Moreover, the corresponding instructor will be asked to follow up with their students should they be at risk of being omitted from the course. Lastly, suppose the student's attendance is lacking throughout the academic program or a course. In that case, Students will be transferred to their corresponding qualified personal or technical assistants, whichever they may need. Currently, Student records are automatically handled using OpenSIS. This Student Information System is integrated into the Learning Management System (LMS).

Regular Assessment and Coursework

tudents will attend frequent examinations and conduct regular assignments for each course, graded and incorporated in their final marks. This procedure will ensure that the students are not falling behind. It is worth mentioning that these exams and assignments will be controlled not to be overwhelmed.


n orientation session will be held for the new students before every course. The instructor will state details about their course, such as its learning outcomes, outline, the grading system, webinars schedule, etc... Also, students will be presented with statistics collected from previous students that include: completion rate for the course, average mark for the course, highest and lowest mark for the course, etc.

Limited Number of Students per session

tudents will be divided into small groups. These groups will attend webinars and online lectures separately, thus ensuring a clear communication line between the instructor and the students and among the students themselves. Also, there will always be instant feedback among the participants.

Peer Tutoring

n instructor might ask alumni if they are willing to provide any assistance. This support can be in the form of an online lecture, notes taken or found by them, or a learning source they used or are still using.

Thesis Checkpoints

tudents will be referred to an instructor who will supervise over their thesis writing during their Capstone course. Supervisors will assign checkpoints that their attendees should reach. These deadlines will be used to segment their dissertation. Each part will be graded separately, hence ensuring that the students are not lagging or overwhelmed.