Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Effective leadership and innovation are paramount in Today’s rapidly evolving global economy. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at Windsor LLC (Windsor University) equips students with comprehensive knowledge, theories, and practical skills demanded by the corporate world. Designed for flexibility and accessibility, our MBA program is entirely online, allowing students from diverse backgrounds and locations to access high-quality education.

The MBA program comprises 30 credit hours, with each course accounting for three credit hours. Students engage in rigorous coursework, discussions, and projects to enhance their understanding and application of business concepts.

Program Learning Outcomes

PLO1: Students can differentiate the critical sociological, psychological, and organizational concepts and theories for effective leadership and management.

PLO2: Students can formulate the knowledge and skills to plan, structure, and monitor organizations.

PLO3: Students can apply distinguished methods for improving productivity, responsiveness, quality, and client satisfaction.

PLO4: Students can develop in-depth knowledge of operational areas and their functions, processes, and interrelationships.

PLO5: Students can develop cross-cultural awareness and appraise today’s global economy.

PLO6: Students can develop creativity and problem-solving strategies to formulate positive change.

PLO7: Students can explain the importance of legal and ethical behavior on the part of the organization and its members.

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