Windsor University

Credit Management

(MBA) Master Of Business Administration

Start Date: May 15, January 15, August 15

End Date: August 30, April 30, November 30

To get a FREE course and its updated recorded live sessions every week, subscribe to Windsor University YouTube channel

Course Level

Post Graduate

Course Duration

14 Weeks

Time Per Week

3 Hours Per Week

Credit Hours

3 Credit Hours

Course Instructor

Picture of Dr. Terry Farris

Dr. Terry Farris

Ohio, United States

An adjunct instructor at Windsor University. An entrepreneur, educator, administrator, and coach with over 20 years of experience working in all areas of higher education. Has a (Ph.D.) in Educational Technology from Walden University and an MBA from Colorado Technical University. He is an adjunct instructor and has been an academic dean at Herzing University. He has a long history of experience as an educational subject matter expert and educational consultant at different institutions. In addition, he has worked as a director of education at Florida Career College, Education Affiliates, and Southern Careers Institute. He has also developed experience in the field of finance, working as a director of finance and financial aid at Education Affiliates, Corinthian Colleges, and Kaplan.

What is Credit Management?

Credit Management is generally the study of finance and banking principles, insurance, property, taxation, business law and rules, quantitative ways, money pc systems applications and implementation, direction, communications skills, business and workplace management, and professional standards and ethics.

What are the benefits of learning Credit Management?

This course will prepare you to perform and manage personal and corporate credit, collateral, loan processing, and related financial agency communications.


Upon completing the course, you will be able to:

  • “Differentiate between primary and secondary markets
  • Differentiate between money and capital markets
  • Understand the concept of foreign exchange markets
  • Understand the concept of derivative security markets
  • Distinguish between the different types of financial institutions
  • Know the services financial institutions perform
  • Know the risks financial institutions face
  • Appreciate why financial institutions are regulated
  • Recognize that markets are become increasingly global”

By McGraw-Hill


Course Title: Credit Management

Book Title: Financial Markets and Institutions, 8th Edition

Course Description:

Financial Markets and Institutions, 8th Edition“is aimed at the first course in financial markets and institutions, offers a distinct analysis of the risks faced by investors and savers interacting through both financial institutions and financial markets, recognizes that foreign and domestic financial markets are increasingly integrated, and provides analytical rigor that is mathematically accessible to students of all levels”. By McGraw-Hill

Course Content

Part #
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

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PMP Course Form (#19)

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